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Toronto Office
115 Sharer Road, #2
Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada
Post Code: L4L 8Z3
Fax: 1-905-265-1097
E-mail: toronto@bgdistribution.ca
Telephone: 1-905-265-9449

BG Distributing

BG Distribution is a leading and respected architectural/door hardware and electronic security distributor with offices in Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, and Toronto.
Since our founding in 1992, we aim to be the industry’s go-to linkage between manufacturers and end-users for architectural hardware, locksmith products and access control products, through our professionalism and quality relationships with clients and partners.
BG Distribution is a top distributor of major brand names in security hardware and electronic solutions, from Assa Abloy to Ingersoll Rand – and everything in between.
FAQ May 20, 2014
Bg University May 20, 2014
Products May 20, 2014
Twitter Feed
@BrunetGoulard Happy Halloween! Joyeuse Halloween! #Halloween #BGdistribution #HalloweenwithBG https://t.co/jqJj8x4qt2
5 years ago
@BrunetGoulard Happy Halloween from BG! Joyeux Halloween de BG! #BGdistribution #halloween2019 https://t.co/1E7UtAk5c8
5 years ago
Recent Activity
Here is Allegion's latest video in their Intro to Door Hardware series: Anatomy of a Fire Door. Voici le plus récent vidéo de la série Allegion, Introduction à la quincaillerie de porte: Anatomie d'une porte coupe-feu.
9 years ago
Take a look at Kaba Ilco's video on the Futura Key Machine. Everything you need to know, from setting-up the machine to using it! Check out more interesting videos on our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/BGbrunetgoulard/playlists.
9 years ago
Come see us today at CANASA in Ottawa - we're here until 4pm. We were called at the last minute so please forgive the minimalist approach to our booth. Let us impress you with our charm and product knowledge instead of samples and catalogues!
9 years ago
Hier, l’équipe BG à Montréal s’est vêtue de bleu pour souligner la Journée mondiale de la sensibilisation à l’autisme. Yesterday, our BG team in Montreal wore blue to support Autism Awareness Day.
10 years ago
Pink Day at BG! During the month of October, BG is raising funds for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation by wearing pink shirts on Wednesdays. Here is a picture from all 4 offices. Journée rose chez BG! Tout au long du mois d’octobre, BG ramasse des dons pour la Fondation canadienne du cancer du sein en portant des chandails roses à tous les mercredis. Voici une photo de nos 4 bureaux.
1 decade ago
Select SL57 Hinge