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Leapfrog Software

In 2003 a structural geologist worked with a bunch of very smart mathematicians and software engineers to develop the implicit modelling technology at the core of Leapfrog's software.
By 2004 Leapfrog Mining was launched, exceeding customer and industry expectations.
The Leapfrog suite of products is now one of the world's most advanced 3D geological modelling tools, providing solutions that have revolutionised the way geologists produce models and make decisions in the mining, geothermal and hydrogeology industries. Our software has such a following that geologists are Leapfrogging data all over the world.
The Leapfrog suite of products incorporates:
• Leapfrog Geo
• Leapfrog Mining
• Leapfrog Hydro
• Leapfrog Geothermal

Leapfrog provides customised 3D geological modelling solutions for:
• Mine planning and explorations
• Groundwater resource investigation and management
• Geothermal field investigation and development