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Ferromin Inc.
Unit 13 - 158 Don Hillock Drive
Aurora, Ontario, Canada Post Code: L4G 0H6
Fax: +1 (416) 494-1014
E-mail: info@ferromininc.com
Telephone: +1-705-710-4987

Ferromin Inc.

Ferromin’s high density aggregates answer the call when a design requires low-volume, high-weight concrete or loose ballast.  Our high quality aggregates have been used successfully in Cancer Treatment Buildings, Medical Research Reactors, Nuclear Reactors and Spent Fuel Canister production.

Ferromin’s FerroShield™ and FerroDense™ is produced from a high-quality deposit of a natural iron oxide called magnetite. Having access to reliable supplies of magnetite, ilmenite and hematite allows Ferromin to produce aggregates in a range of densities, while maintaining concrete gradation specifications.

June 1, 2020
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Construction Grades June 1, 2020
Special Properties June 1, 2020