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Geological Survey of Sweden

The Geological Survey of Sweden – SGU – is the expert agency for issues relating to bedrock, soil and groundwater in Sweden. Since SGU was founded in 1858 our mission has been to examine, document and provide information about Sweden's geology. One key task is to meet society's need for geological information.
Supporting the development of the mining, rock and mineral industry
Development of the industry is essential for development of society as a whole. We support this process by collecting and supplying basic geological information and expert assessments, and by storing and supplying information on completed exploration projects.
The information is used for planning of exploration for ore and minerals, and also the siting of gravel pits and quarries, etc.
Promoting the use of geological information in societal planning
Geological information provides an important basis for making well-founded decisions in societal planning. We promote this by gathering and supplying basic geological information and expert assessments for various purposes and aimed at various actors, such as municipalities, county administrative boards, private enterprise and other agencies.
The information is used for physical planning, construction works, drinking water supply, environmental issues and as a basis for decision making under various statutes.
Uniting and strengthening geological research in Sweden
Geological research is the driver moving geoscience and its applications forward. Our contribution is to conduct our own research, give support to higher education institutions, and to participate in networks and joint projects. We also aim to act as a bridge between research and the use of research findings in society.
Bringing geology and geological knowledge to the fore in social debate and in schools
A further aim is to serve as something of an ambassador for geology in the community, working in various ways to create greater understanding of geology and its importance by raising "geological awareness". One of our goals is to see geology takes its place on the school curriculum.
Environmental quality objectives
Parliament has adopted 16 national environmental quality objectives. The aim is to solve the country's main environmental problems within a generation. SGU is responsible for the Good-Quality Groundwater objective, which also involves reducing the use of natural gravel. We are also engaged in issues involving several other environmental quality objectives.
Mining Inspectorate of Sweden
The Mining Inspectorate is a separate decision-making body within SGU. It is responsible for issuing permits for minerals exploration and extraction under the Minerals Act (1991:45).
International work
SGU represents Sweden in various international geoscientific contexts. Among other things, we are a member of EuroGeoSurveys (EGS), which is an association for national geological surveys in Europe. The main task of the organisation is to offer neutral, balanced and practical information, help and advice on European geoscientific issues.
SGU staff
SGU currently has some 250 employees, of whom most work at our headquarters in Uppsala. Others are stationed at our regional offices in Gothenburg, Lund, Stockholm, Malå, and also Falun and Luleå (Mining Inspectorate). Our annual turnover is around SEK 240 million.

Contact Us

Head office: 
Geological Survey of Sweden 
Box 670 
SE-751 28 Uppsala
Tel: +46 18 17 90 00
Fax: +46 18 17 92 10
E-mail: sgu@sgu.se