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High Voltage Testing Laboratory, Distribution Centre & Sales Office, Head Office
46 Meridian Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Post Code: M9W 4Z7
Fax: 416-748-0290
E-mail: main@ltl.ca
Telephone: 416-742-6911

LTL Utility Supply

Lineman’s Testing Laboratories (“LTL”) has been trusted since 1958 to deliver cost-effective and comprehensive solutions for power system reliability and sustainability. With the resources of a diversified and industry-experienced team, a commitment to providing service to our clients that is of a high industry standard, and our ability to pull from an extensive inventory of electrical apparatus (including Transformers and Switchgear), LTL is ideally suited to assist companies in effectively managing their electrical systems, ensuring the continued success of their business.
June 25, 2020
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