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Fort a la Corne
The Fort à la Corne area of Saskatchewan hosts one of the most extensive kimberlite fields in the world. Over 70 kimberlites exist in the Fort à la Corne forest and over 70 percent of these have been shown to contain diamonds. The deposition and erosional history at Fort à la Corne is such that the crater portions of the volcanic eruptive events have been preserved by a cap rock of marine mudstone.  As a result, the crater portion of the kimberlite has significant geographic extent. The Star Kimberlite averages 88 metres in thickness and covers an area over four square kilometres. The kimberlite is covered by 90 metres of overburden, consisting mostly of sand, mudstone and glacial till. Shore was the first company in the Fort à la Corne district to locate a root zone beneath the kimberlite crater when drill hole Star 20 intersected 539 metres of continuous kimberlite. Subsequently, several feeder vents have been drilled in the Star and Orion Kimberlites.
Gold Shore Head Office
300, 224 - 4th Avenue South
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7K 5M5
Tel:  (306) 664-2202
Fax:  (306) 664-7181