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Matawa First Nations

Matawa First Nations is a Tribal Council of nine Northern Ontario First Nations located in Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN). The people of Matawa First Nations believe in putting community needs first. They are committed to supporting each other and working together as a regional group in order to build community strength for the future.
Matawa First Nations operates a non-profit corporation through its Tribal Council to provide technical and professional advisory services and programs to its member First Nations. The corporation is governed by a Board of Directors and Chiefs Council with representatives from each Matawa community.
Over the years, Matawa First Nations have also created several regional for profit businesses through the Tribal Council.

Contuct Us

Ginoogaming First Nation
P.O. Box 1085
Longlac, ON P0T 2A0
Phone: 807-876-9750
Fax: 807-876-9752