Home > First Nations > Moravian of the Thames First Nation


Moravian of the Thames First Nation
14760 School House Line, RR3
Thamesville, Ontario, Canada Post Code: N0P 2K0
Fax: (519) 692-5522
Telephone: +1-705-980-0835

Moravian of the Thames First Nation

We are the Lenape (Lunaapeew) People of the Delaware Nation at Moraviantown. Our community is found on the southern shores of the Thames River, near the small town of Thamesville, approximately 3 hours west of Toronto. There are approximately 550 residents who live in our community, however our total membership is well over 1,000.

Recreation February 4, 2021
Nahii Grocery February 4, 2021
Housing and Lands February 4, 2021