Home > First Nations > Muskrat Dam First Nation


Muskrat Dam First Nation
PO Box 140
Muskrat Dam, Ontario, Canada Post Code: P0V 3B0
Fax: 807-537-2699, 807-537-2540
E-mail: muskratdamfirstnation@knet.ca
Telephone: +1-705-980-0699

Muskrat Dam First Nation

The Muskrat Dam Lake First Nation is an Oji-Cree First Nation band government in Northern Ontario. It resides on the 1,939.7 hectares (4,793.1 acres) Muskrat Dam Lake reserve, located on Muskrat Dam Lake in the Kenora District. The community of Muskrat Dam, Ontario, is located on this reserve. The reserve's primary transportation link is the Muskrat Dam Airport. Muskrat Dam Lake is policed by the Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service, an Aboriginal-based service.