Home > First Nations > Pays Plat First Nation


Pays Plat First Nation
10 Central Place
Pays Plat, Ontario, Canada Post Code: P0T 3C0
Fax: (807) 824-2206
E-mail: ppontarioworks@tbaytel.net
Telephone: +1-705-980-0835

Pays Plat First Nation

Pays Plat First Nation is home to a healthy and active community who enjoy modern amenities while staying in touch with their history and traditional ways of life. Pays Plat has many assets that are beneficial to its residents: a community hall, fire hall, water treatment plant, pow-wow grounds, firewood processing yard, multipurpose facility, and a business center. Community members have access to groceries and other retail items at the gas station. Pays Plat also offers many cultural activities to its members, including an annual pow-wow in July.

Smokin Embers May 11, 2021
Economic Development May 11, 2021
Technical Services May 11, 2021