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Per Aarsleff A/S

Aarsleff is a leading Danish contracting company. Our expertise is to devise, plan and implement large-scale projects within infrastructure, climate change adaptation, the environment, energy etc. – from design to handing-over. Our point of departure is a strong position in Denmark and the Baltic Sea region, and we solve projects in most parts of the world.
Joint expertise
Aarsleff finds it very important to combine the many contracting disciplines of the parent company and the subsidiaries in turnkey projects – for example by entering into framework and partnering agreements. In this way, we are using the synergy potentials between the different qualifications.
At the same time, we draw on a deeply rooted project culture – to the benefit of both ourselves and our customers.
Industrialisation and optimisation
Through a number of years, we have worked to improve the efficiency of uniform processes by industrialising a number of products and services. This means that we are able to carry out uniform projects faster and more cost efficient.
Aarsleff in figures
Aarsleff is a public limited company listed on Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/S. Our revenue amounts to DKK 7.4 billion – of which 34 percent comes from abroad. The Group employs 4,000 dedicated people in the Danish parent company and in the subsidiaries in Denmark and abroad.

Contact Us
Main office
Lokesvej 15, 8230 Aabyhoej,
+45 8744 2222
info@aarsleff.com www.aarsleff.com