Home > First Nations > Whitefish River First Nation


Whitefish River First Nation, Administration Office
17-A Rainbow Ridge Road
Birch Island, Ontario, Canada Post Code: P0P 1A0
Fax: 705-285-4532
Telephone: +1-705-806-2479

Whitefish River First Nation

Whitefish River First Nation (WRFN) is a progressive and rapidly growing community of approximately 1,200 citizens of the Anishinabek Nation. The village of Birch Island has approximately 440 members. We are located on the scenic shores of Georgian Bay and the North Shore Channel, gatekeepers to Manitoulin Island, Ontario and are readily accessible by Highway 6 and 17. 

March 25, 2021
Inside this issue
Education February 17, 2021
Public Works February 17, 2021
Health and Social Services February 17, 2021