Home > Supplier Companies > Acklands-Grainger Inc


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90 West Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
Post Code: L4B 1E7
E-mail: contact@agi.ca
Telephone: 1-(905)-731-5516

Acklands-Grainger Inc


Acklands-Grainger continues to expand its market leadership position through a single minded focus based on understanding and satisfying the needs of our customers. We are Canada’s largest distributor of industrial, safety and fastener products.
Other Value Added Services November 22, 2013
National Accounts November 22, 2013
Recent Activity
Statistics show that the vast majority of poisonings happen in the home, with most of these affecting children. Kids, especially those under the age of 5, are always getting into things, and don’t have the wherewithal to understand what they should or shouldn’t put into their mouths. Poisoning is a leading cause of injury and death worldwide, with hundreds of thousands of emergency room visits, and even more poison control hotline calls, being recorded annually. http://www.acklandsgraingernewsletter.com/article/show/id/52?cm_em=1047&cm_mmc=20151001_eNewsletter&rrid=1047&rmid=20151001_eNewsletter #mondaymorningsafety
9 years ago
Every day, millions of professionals engage in work that involves electrical equipment, and every 30 minutes a worker is hurt severely enough to require time off for recovery. While electrical hazards are not the leading cause of workplace accidents, they are disproportionately fatal and costly. Find out more at: http://www.acklandsgraingernewsletter.com/article/show/id/51?cm_em=1047&cm_mmc=20151001_eNewsletter&rrid=1047&rmid=20151001_eNewsletter
9 years ago
What can you do to prevent eye injuries? First: Make sure you select the proper eye protection for the task. 94% of eye injuries occur when workers are wearing eye protection in which objects or chemicals go around or under the protector. Second: make sure the eye protection you have selected fits properly and are clean. One of the leading reasons for workers removing or not wearing eye protection is the lenses became dirty and they cannot see what they are doing. #mondaymorningsafety
9 years ago
Depuis le 1er Juin 2015, les États-Unis se sont officiellement convertis au nouveau système SIMDUT 2015 / SGH. Plusieurs changements en lien avec l’identification des produits chimiques vont faire leur apparition au cours des prochaines semaines, des prochains mois voire des prochaines années. Ces changements auront un impact direct d’un point de vue légal dans vos entreprises au fil du temps. Vous devrez entre autre former et informer vos employés sur ces changements afin qu’ils comprennent les nouveaux logos et les nouveaux principes du système SIMDUT 2015/SHG. Ce système a pour but d’harmoniser d’une façon mondiale l’identification des produits chimiques. Dans l’optique d’informer nos clients pro-activement de ces changements et de l’impact qu’ils auront dans vos entreprises. Acklands-Grainger est fière de vous inviter à assister à l’une de nos formations sur le SIMDUT 2015/SGH. Je vous joins le formulaire d’invitation ainsi que le plan de cour détaillé de cet événement. Pour toutes questions, n’hésitez pas me contacter directement ou à contacter l’organisateur de l’évènement, M. Louis-James Coté, Spécialiste SST au cotel@agi.ca, 819-350-8282
9 years ago
Anyone who is suspended from a lifeline and can’t perform a self-rescue will need help from trained rescuers. Keep in mind the following in deciding what equipment is appropriate: -Can you use extension ladders, forklifts, or elevating platforms to perform aided rescues — or do you need technical rescue equipment? -Will the equipment be available and ready to use when you need it? -Can rescuers always reach a suspended worker with the equipment? -Do rescuers know how to use the equipment? If possible, use on-site equipment such as extension ladders, forklifts, or elevating platforms for aided rescues. #mondaymorningsafety
9 years ago