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YieldPoint Inc.

Bluetooth Instruments

YieldPoint’s BluPoint technology integrates Bluetooth 5 into geotechnical instrumentation. Bluetooth 5 features the same low power features as BLE but with 4x range (50m). YieldPoint’s BluPoint App provides Android Smart Phone and Tablet functionality. Advantages of BluPoint instruments include:
Extended range up to 50m (4 x BLE)
Android phone/tablet access
Extremely low energy
User friendly BluLoggers
BluGateways enabling WiFi, LTE-M connectivity
Cloud data platform(VantagePoint) and analytics(+VantagePoint)
Economical pricing

YieldPoint’s BluPoint app provides engineers, technicians, consultants and contractors with an Android interface to BluPoint instruments, BluLoggers, BluGateways as well as cloud based services. The App consists of 5 activities:

YieldPoint has completed development of an LTE-M enabled Gateway project and deployed the first projects. The YieldPoint LTE-M gateway can be configured using an Android device using YP’s free BluPoint App. The device uses long range Bluetooth 5 with a range of 100m LOS.

YieldPoint has completed development of an Wi-Fi enabled Gateway project and deployed the first projects. The BluPoint Wi-Fi gateway can be configured using an Android device using YP’s free BluPoint App. The device uses long range Bluetooth 5 with a range of 100m LOS.

Interface with economical BluLoggers and BlueGateway. Plug and Play configuration.
Up to 16 instruments for a single battery powered BluLogger or BlueGateway.
Android App (BluPoint Suite) to read single instrument (BluViewer App) or download data from BluLoggers.
Wireless upload using WiFi or LTE-M or Android device.
Vehicular data gathering.
Cloud database service (VantagePoint)
Latest values advertised to passing Android devices.
BluWire is a 4 instrument Vibrating Wire (VW) interface that can be connected to either a wired (RS485) or wireless interface (Bluetooth 5). The device will interrogate all 4 ports and return a single output string with the resonant frequency of connected instruments in Hertz. The interrogation algorithm is a robust swept frequency over a user defined range. The resolution of the output signal is 0.1Hz and the accuracy is typically 0.025%FS.

The BluTilt is a full 360 arcdeg triaxial wireless tiltmeter for very precise measurement (0.001 arcdeg resolution) of changes in inclination. The instrument uses a very low noise MEMS accelerometer that enables a resolution of 0.001 arcdeg with a stability of +/-0.001 arcdeg.

The BluLink provides both BluPoint wireless functionality and data-logging (30,000 readings) for any YP digital instrument. It is an economical solution for creating either a standalone data-logger that can be downloaded using any android device, or a wireless sensor network. The hardware costs of creating a Bluetooth 5 wireless solution will typically be comparable or less than a wired solution by reducing costs related to (i) leadwire and (ii) multiple wired data-loggers. BluLink runs off internal alkaline batteries which will last longer than two years when set to 1 reading/hour.