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Layfield Geosynthetics
AquaGuide Baffles
AquaGuide Baffle curtains are used in water treatment to improve flow characteristics and to increase the effectiveness of water treatment.
AquaGuide baffle curtains prevent short-cutting in water treatment in both drinking water and effluent treatment applications. In drinking water treatment applications, baffle curtains are placed in clearwells and reservoirs to increase the contact time of chlorine with the water. In effluent treatment applications, a floating baffle curtain eliminates short-cutting in the treatment pond, ensuring that all water has had the required time for the biological breakdown of the effluent to take full effect. We can fabricate and install baffles from several different types of materials to suit your specific water applications. Fixed and floating AquaGuide baffle curtains are available for all sizes of ponds and reservoirs. In concrete reservoirs and tanks, we commonly attach the curtains to the floor and roof. In open ponds, we typically use floats and cables to hold the baffles in place.
Direct water into a longer path promoting plug flow
Prefabricated into sections that can be joined in the field
Increases water treatment effectiveness in ponds and tanks
Easily installed in clearwells and ponds
Increase chlorine contact time in clearwells
Increase dwell time in water treatment ponds
Tanks, ponds, and clearwells
Promote plug flow
Prevent short-cutting