Home > Suppliers Companies > Solenis LLC > Products > Colorants > PERGALITE & SOLAR PAPER PIGMENTS
Solenis LLC


Solenis’ comprehensive portfolio of paper colorants includes both organic and inorganic pigment dispersions. These paper pigments are available globally but are marketed as PergaliteTM paper pigments in Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America and as SolarTM paper pigments in North America.

Pergalite and Solar paper pigments are an excellent choice for tinting white paper and for producing high-quality colored paper. Pergalite and Solar paper pigments are also an excellent option for producing medium and deep colored paper grades where lightfastness and chemical resistance are needed.
Pergalite and Solar paper pigments have excellent stability and shelf-life and are mixable with most paper furnish types and size press and coating formulas. They generally have “good” to “outstanding” resistance to fading, bleeding and chemicals, enabling them to be used for:
High lightfastness printing papers
Decorative papers for laminate production
Coloring coating compounds for printing and copying papers and board
Shading white and fluorescent whitened papers
Controlling colored two-sidedness in conjunction with our PergasolTM direct dyes
Laundry tag papers (select Solar products)
Vegetable parchment grades
Paper Tinting and Coloration
Pergalite and Solar paper pigments are ideal for paper tinting and for paper coloration.
Paper Tinting - The human eye is very sensitive to the tint of white paper. Papermakers that use Pergalite and Solar paper pigments enjoy greater control of the final white paper appearance while improving the cost of paper production. The full family of paper pigments provides flexibility to accommodate several end-users demands, such as brilliance, lightfastness, food contact and FDA approval.
Pergalite and Solar paper pigments are also available as ready-made blends, providing the desired paper tinting effect with only one product. 
Paper Coloration - Pergalite and Solar paper pigments include a comprehensive range of pigment colorants to produce high-quality colored paper. They can be used alone or together with PergasolTM direct dyes in the wet end or in the size press to enhance appearance, maximize fastness properties or to lower the cost of production.