Greatario Engineered Storage Systems

Aluminum Flat Panel

Extruded Flat Panel Aluminum Covers
Our extruded panel cover design is available in clear spans up to 18 feet (4.57m) and custom designed to meet your project's specific functional and design loading requirements. All aluminum design constructed of 6061-T6 and 6063-T6 aluminum structural members and 6063-T6 sheets ensures quality, durability and longevity.

Formed Flat Panel Aluminum Covers
Our formed panel cover design is available in clear spans up to 30 feet (9.14m) and custom designed to meet your project's specific functional and design loading requirements. By using quality 5052-H32 aluminum panels and 6061-T6 aluminum structural members along with Silicone and/or Neoprene sealant and gaskets, CST Covers ensure ultra-low maintenance for the life of the covers.}

Why Aluminum?
CST's aluminum flat panel covers provide the strength, durability, odor control and protection characteristics unavailable in steel, plastic, fabric or any other materials of construction. Our all-aluminum construction is superior than other materials in:
Corrosion Resistance
Aluminum is inherently corrosion resistant versus other alloys. It will last the lifetime of the structure and will not need to be painted or repainted for protection from the atmosphere
Low Lifetime Maintenance Cost
With no corrosion or the need to repaint to protect the structure over time, there is little-to-no maintenance costs associated with an aluminum dome

Clear-Span Capability
Aluminum's lightweight characteristics allows for larger clear-span cover capability than structures utilizing steel, concrete and other materials

Design Flexibility
Aluminum's excellent strength-to-weight ratios and creative component design yield covers and structures that cannot be achieved with other materials
Aluminum Flat Panel
CST Covers is the premier manufacturer of supported and un-supported aluminum flat covers for municipal and industrial water and wastewater applications.

Aluminum Flat Panel Covers
CST Covers has taken our experience and reputation as the world's leading dome designer and manufacturer and applied it to designing and manufacturing aluminum flat covers. We manufacture multiple designs that are engineered specifically for your installation to provide excellent odor control, protection from the environment and safety for your operations personnel.
CST Covers provides custom cover designs that are easily installed and removed as needed. No matter what the size or shape of your water or wastewater basin, CST Covers will provide the right aluminum flat cover solution. Our aluminum flat covers can be self-supported or supported with trusses and other structural members.

Extruded Flat Panel Aluminum Covers
Our extruded panel cover design is available in clear spans up to 18 feet (4.57m) and custom designed to meet your project's specific functional and design loading requirements. All aluminum design constructed of 6061-T6 and 6063-T6 aluminum structural members and 6063-T6 sheets ensures quality, durability and longevity.
CST Covers reduce both Capital and maintenance Costs
CST Covers all-aluminum flat covers are not only economical, they offer other practical advantages over traditional covers. Unlike concrete, they can be removed easily, and they don't spall. They weigh a fraction of what a steel cover weighs, and they don't corrode. Nor do they degrade under ultra-violet light like fiber-glass.