Bruel and Kjaer EMS Inc.

Dual LDS V9 shaker system

The Dual V9 (2 x 23,605 lbf) Vibration Test System has been specially adapted to operate in conjunction with an altitude simulation chamber to enable testing of large payloads under near-vacuum conditions. 
To prevent the vacuum pulling the shaker armature up into the environmental chamber, the shaker is fitted with a special Vacuum Compensation Extender System which provides an opposing force to hold the armature down to its mid-position. In both static and dynamic testing, the shaker armature and body positions are controlled by a special balancing control system. 
Dual LDS V9 shaker system

To ensure the consistency of any vacuum effect, the shaker is sealed to the floor of the altitude simulation chamber, allowing full armature movement within its Velocity, Displacement and Acceleration capabilities. To allow testing of large and long-shaped payloads, the V9 shakers are operated in a dual configuration using the LDS Multiple Amplifier Control (MAC).