Industrial Info Resources

Plant Database

Other searchable criteria include:
• Plant parent/owner/operator
• Employee count
• Union status
• Fuel type, when applicable
• Startup/closing date, and more
Plant Database

Industrial Info's Global Plant Database contains information on more than 106,000 active and pre-commissioned industrial facilities across the world. The database offers many different search criteria, enabling users to obtain broad overviews or extremely specific results for plants by industry, geography, SIC code and more. Up to eight key management contacts are included in each Plant Profile.

Plant Profiles are provided not only for operational plants, but also for more than 47,000 on-hold, closed, canceled, mothballed and shuttered plants.
Industrial Info regularly verifies and updates each Plant Profile, providing the most accurate, up-to-date information available. If additional information or details are required, the "Ask Us" feature allows users to directly contact our researchers, who will respond to your request within 24 to 48 hours.