Nova-Pro Industrial Supply...

Ice Melters

With a focus on the industrial sector, we demand the very best in products. Our customers put tools and supplies to the test under extreme conditions and work them harder than anyone else and neither we nor they can afford to ship/purchase inferior goods. The reputation of our brands speaks for themselves.

True North™ Icemelter - for all your basic icemelting needs. It is a blend as powerful as a strong shot of espresso, yet as economical as a bowl of borscht, the thrifty cabbage soup. 

Arctic ECO Green® Icemelter is a powerful all natural deicer that is gentle on the environment, the surfaces it is applied to and harmless around children and pets. This icemelter was designed for the organically inclined.

Mountain Organic Natural™ Icemelter is a premium product designed to tackle the worst winter weather conditions, while still being completely organic and environmentally safe. Mountain Organic Natural™ Icemelter works better than traditional icemeleters, but carries none of the risks.