PBE Group


• Cost-effective Underground Communications solution
• Two-way Voice Communication
• Two-way Data Communication
• Video Communication
Mine Radio System (MRS) FLEXCOM solution has out performed mining and tunneling industry standards for effective underground communications for over two decades.
The FLEXCOM system is the industry’s most cost-effective solution for information exchange over leaky feeder while providing “best-in-class” quality, support and service.
FLEXCOM is an excellent choice for companies that require cost-effective, performance driven solutions to support advanced mining and tunneling applications, including voice, video and data operation. The FLEXCOM solution has been engineered specifically to meet the stringent certification standards for Hazardous and Non-Hazardous environments around the world. MRS FLEXCOM redefines the benchmark for value - giving clients in the industry the most economical solution for deploying and expanding their Underground Intelligence network offerings.
MRS FLEXCOM Underground Communication solution provides two-way voice communication, data communication and video signal transmission. Multiple voice, video and data channels are available in the FLEXCOM solution.
Two way data communication enables operators to monitor and control various configurations of generic PLC and custom application RTU equipment.  The FLEXCOM solution can support master slave or peer to peer operation. Video channels provide one way real time video transmission from a remote camera to a video monitor. To provide camera controls such as zoom, pan, tilt; one data channel is required.