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Northern Survey Supply

The NCTech iStar 360 Degree Rapid Imaging Camera

• Fully Automatic, no setup and no pc required
• Rugged, weatherproof and highly portable (size 10cm³)
• Open file format output
• Integrated Wi-Fi, GPS< compass and tilt sensors
• Live panoramic video preview
• Visually document a location in minutes
• Easy to carry and deploy in various environments and conditions
• Integrate with existing software applications and systems
• Capture remotely GPS and digital compass tagged images
• Monitor and record a location remotely in full 360° x 275° coverage.

iSTAR is a 360°x 275°camera with the power to process it’s images internally, with no need for a computer to complete post-production processing or stitching.

The iSTAR is precision engineered like no other camera. With no moving parts, four lenses are mounted in a solid steel case. It is the armour that allows the camera to operate at the highest level of precision.