Highwork Ltd.

Highlift SL

Technical highlights of the equipment include:
• CSA certified (Z259.2.3-99)
• capable of 525 feet of rope (160 metres)
• can carry the weight of 2 individuals — with proper training, a rescuer can descend to retrieve a casualty
• one person can operate it effectively, including a full rescue — does not require belaying/other individuals holding back the load
• does not require knots, pulleys, z-rigs or weight conversions
• built-in brake, no danger of “free-fall” — maximum descent rate is 0.8 metres per second under all load conditions
• easy to control — stop with forefinger and thumb
• with a backup lifeline, it is also perfect for work positioning
• horizontal rescues are possible & easy
• does not have to be set up directly overhead of casualty; any angle is fine providing an edge protector is available
Highlift SL
This equipment is intended for more simple rescue and/or recovery scenarios. Portable and lightweight, with a 10:1 lifting advantage it is the perfect rescue system.

This particular device is very suitable for quick evacuation, or any other high-angle application that requires a speedy rescue and recovery.