HI Mining Pty Ltd.


HI Mining brings to its clients the patented chargeless accumulator which is the most advanced replacement for bladder, diaphragm and sprung accumulators’ industry has seen.

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HI Mining brings to its clients the patented chargeless accumulator which is the most advanced replacement for bladder, diaphragm and sprung accumulators’ industry has seen.
No longer is there a need for the extra expense and downtime brought on by the complicated charging process. With a minor modification to some housing and other two-piece units that will easily be able to enter the exchange program for an even further reduced ongoing costs.
In most cases, diaphragm accumulators will be able to utilize all the same components with the addition of a plug to block the gas filling port. This system is safer, more reliable and longer lasting than what is currently available and will protect one of your most expensive assets.
The very simple modification is to introduce two-piece accumulators to a fleet of hydraulic equipment and use all existing mountings or allow us to assist you to choose an option that suits your budget and equipment.