FRF Hydraulic Inc.

Scale Trucks

FRF is the choice provider for all Palfinger products, while also servicing a variety of similar equipment. You will find superior expertise matched with fair pricing and excellent workmanship. FRF should be your first port of call if you are looking to buy new or used truck mounted equipment.

An industry based on precision. We can get the precise boomtruck customized to your specific requirements, that will allow you to better service your customers. Tell us what you need to do and we will build you a unit that can meet those needs.

An industry based on precision. We can get the precise boomtruck customized to your specific requirements, that will allow you to better service your customers. Tell us what you need to do and we will build you a unit that can meet those needs.

An industry based on precision. We can get the precise boomtruck customized to your specific requirements, that will allow you to better service your customers. Tell us what you need to do and we will build you a unit that can meet those needs.