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Leica TrueView Global

Does your organization utilize laser scan point clouds or plan to utilize point clouds as a part of your ongoing projects? If so you’ll realize the value of being able to share that point cloud data with the widest possible audience of personnel who could benefit from that information but maybe don’t have an in-depth CAD or 3D point cloud background or access to expensive software. Leica TruView Global makes it easy for anyone in your project eco-system to access, view, analyze and even create markups and collaborate using 3D point cloud data.

Leica TrueView Global
Does your organization utilize laser scan point clouds or plan to utilize point clouds as a part of your ongoing projects? If so you’ll realize the value of being able to share that point cloud data with the widest possible audience of personnel who could benefit from that information but maybe don’t have an in-depth CAD or 3D point cloud background or access to expensive software. Leica TruView Global makes it easy for anyone in your project eco-system to access, view, analyze and even create markups and collaborate using 3D point cloud data.
Share point cloud data via intuitive easy to use interface with no CAD or 3D skills required
Virtual, photo-realistic visits to the project site from anywhere, anytime
No plug-in required, free experience from any browser on any device
Secure user login access as an option
Users can view, pan, zoom, measure, and markup
Simple yet effective back-end server administrator tools
Advanced, robust and modern back-end technology