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Magnetic Separator

ASGCO®’s Magnetic Separator overhead magnet is a non-electric suspended separator, suspended over a conveyor or head pulley to remove ferrous metals.

Magnetic Separator
Continuous Cleaning – ensure zero downtime during production for cleaning and also guarantee contaminants are safely removed from the product flow.
Cleated Belt – moves the attracted ferrous material from nonmagnetic materials, which is moved by a separator belt to a collection bin or chute.
Innovative Design – allows for excellent and calculated product stream coverage for optimum separation and cleaning efficiency.
Custom Belt Size Available – ASGCO® can customize the size of the belt to fit any width.
Belt Option – High Temp. Belts, Rubber Belts, Polyurethane Belts, Armor Clad Belts etc.
Crossover or In-Line arrangement Available