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Tru-Trainer® Dual Return Idler

An external central pivot mechanism was designed, obviating the need for a single, large drum, and enabling a concentric and balanced rotation to be achieved. This results in extended bearing life and a very fast and effective conveyor tracking system.

Tru-Trainer® Dual Return Idler
Two Separate Tapered Rolls – are mounted into the pivot mechanism and can be individually replaced as wear occurs.
Designed for High Speed/PIW Conveyors – to operate and last in severe conditions, wet and dry, and aggressive mining conditions. Conveyor belt speeds that exceed 800 fpm and/or greater than 1500 PIW.
Accommodates Excessive Force – encountered with wide belts and heavy loads.
Enhanced Sealing/Bearing System – needle thrust and tapered roller bearings and enhanced sealing system for the most aggressive mining conditions.
Individual Rollers for Easy Replacement – separate tapered rolls are mounted onto the pivot mechanism, which can be individually replaced as wear occurs.