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YieldPoint Inc.

Reinforcement Monitoring

Our highly innovative digital product line as designated by the suffix 'd-' includes an embedded microcontroller that provides highly accurate measurements reported in real-world units. This technology provides many key advantages to our users.

YieldPoint can provide both the electronics and hydraulics for the system. The electronics consists of displacement sensor, pressure cell and load cells which can monitor the displacement and load during the pull test. These are recorded by a DAQ (Data Acquisition unit). Data is transmitted from the DAQ to a Windows TM Tablet or laptop PC. The Puilltest software can be loaded on as many computers as required.

The d-Split is an instrumented Split-Set bolt developed by YieldPoint and International Rollforms. 

YieldPoint’s d-Rebar measures how the strain or load develops along rigid bolts, such as resin rebar, and hence to assess the Factor of Safety against steel rupture. The technology is applicable to rebar elements, threaded bolts, and a variety of other steel elements used in mining, civil and construction projects. It has the potential to predict the risk of catastrophic structural failure: in fact the d-Rebar data can enhance many aspects of engineering design.

YieldPoint’s d-Cable technology provides engineers, technicians, consultants and contractors with a digital instrumented 7-strand cable for geotechnical monitoring. This instrument tracks how the load develops its own length of 7-wire stand cable bolt over time. It allows a reliable assessment of the Factor of Safety against cable rupture. The instrument is applicable to cable bolts, ground anchors, tendons, and tie-backs used in all types of mining and civil projects. It has the potential to help predict the risk of catastrophic structural failure: in fact d-Cable data can enhance many aspects of engineering design, installation quality control, long-term operation assessment, and rehabilitation. Click here for a case study.