Albarrie Environmental Services Limited


Albarrie’s EsterWeb is the ideal passive oil containment system for ester-based fluids like Environtemp FR3, or BIOTEMP. Derived from vegetable oil, these can be difficult to contain with polymer solification based systems.

Albarrie’s EsterWeb is the ideal passive oil containment system for ester-based fluids like Environtemp FR3, or BIOTEMP. Derived from vegetable oil, these can be difficult to contain with polymer solification based systems. Although officially classified as being “readily biodegradable”, they still produce a sheen if released into the environment. According to the EPA secondary oil containment is still required. We tailored our typical oil containment system to account for the slow coagulation of these oils, ensuring their full containment. Finally freedom from maintenance is here.
EsterWeb allows rain water or snow melt to pass through its smart layers without accumulating eliminating the need for pumps or oil detection systems. If an oil leak or catastrophic failure occurs, the smart oleophilic  (a substance that has an affinity for oils and not for water) layer will congeal and seal trapping the oil within the oil containment.