After Market Parts

Toyota U Joint

A universal joint is a positive, mechanical connection between rotating shafts, which are usually not parallel, but intersecting. They are used to transmIt motion, power, or both.
Toyota U Joint
A universal joint is a positive, mechanical connection between rotating shafts, which are usually not parallel, but intersecting. They are used to transmIt motion, power, or both.
The simplest and most common type is called the Cardan joint or Hooke joint. It is shown in Figure 1. It consists of two yokes, one on each shaft, connected by a cross-shaped intermediate member called the spider. The angle between the two shafts is called the operating angle. It Is generally, but n01 necessarily, constant during operation. Good design practice calls for low operating angles, often less than 25°, dependIng on the application. Independent of this guideli ne, mechanical interference In th e construc tio n of Cardan joints limits the operating angle to a maximum (often about 37½°), depending on its proportions.
Typical appllcatlons of universal joints include aircraft, appliances, control mechanisms, electronIcs, Instrumentation, medical and optical devices, ordnance, radio, sewing machines, textile machInery and tool drives.
Universal joints are available in steel or in thermoplastic body members. Unlversal joints made of steel have maximum load-carrying capacity for a given size. Universal joints with thermoplastic body members are used in light industrial applications in which their self-lubricating feature, light weight, negligible backlash, corrosion resistance and capability for high-speed operation are significant advantages.
Universal joints of special construction, such as ball-jointed universals are also available. These are used for high-speed operation and for carrying large torques. They are available both in miniature and standard sizes.