Operating Engineers...

Training Manuals

OETIO offers a number of training manuals for sale.

Fast becoming the industry standard for mobile craning manuals, this sturdy pocket-sized volume is a must for all crane students, operators, and supervisors.

This 400-page hardcover manual is intended to provide information essential to the operation of mobile cranes and the proper use of crane capacity charts. 

This comprehensive 188-page manual is ideal for training and as an on-site resource for contractors, supervisors, riggers, operators and safety professionals.

This spiral bound soft-cover manual addresses all aspects of rigging, EOTs (Electrical Overhead Traveling Cranes), mobile cranes, and tower cranes in detail. 

This package contains the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects developed by the Government of Ontario.

This handy reference chart has an adhesive back that will mount almost anywhere.