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485 HEDP System (High Efficiency Dual Pass)

Engineered for residential and light commercial applications, including boiler feed systems, that have high hardness water supplies (typically .75 gpg).

485 HEDP System (High Efficiency Dual Pass)
Engineered for residential and light commercial applications, including boiler feed systems, that have high hardness water supplies (typically .75 gpg). The 485 HEDP offers consistent, softer water by using a two-tank system to prevent hardness leakage or `slippage`. The first tank acts as the workhorse by significantly reducing the water hardness. The second tank acts as a `polisher` and prevents slippage. The HEDP uses reverse flow regeneration and precision brining to reduce annual salt and water costs and is more cost effective than larger single tank systems.
Features (same features as the HE model with the following additions):
Two tank system provides softer, more consistent water quality and prevents hardness slippage which can occur in single tank systems
Perfect for high hardness (typically > 75 gpg) residential and light commercial applications such as boiler feed systems
More cost effective than larger single tank systems