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Junior Mines
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Xmet is a exploration company focused on advanced projects in existing mining camps in Canada where exploration and mining costs are minimized and where previous and historic producing mines make for much easier permitting. 
Xtierra Inc. (TSXV | XAG) is a Toronto based and TSX Venture Exchange listed mineral exploration and development company focused on the development of precious and base metal projects located in the State of Zacatecas, Mexico.
Zenyatta Ventures Ltd., a junior exploration company based in Thunder Bay, Ontario, recently discovered the Albany GRAPHITE Deposit in Northeastern Ontario.
Zephyr Minerals Ltd. owns 100% interest in the Dawson gold project in Colorado, USA. Dawson is an advanced gold project with excellent exploration potential. 
Zincore Metals is focused on the identification, acquisition, exploration, and development of zinc, copper and related base metals projects in Peru. Our primary objective is to define economically feasible projects through focused exploration and to sell, joint venture and/or develop properties of economic merit.
Atlantic Gold NL is an Australian-listed gold exploration company (ASX code ATV). The board and management of Atlantic Gold NL (formerly Diamond Ventures NL) are former long term executives and directors of Plutonic Resources Limited, a highly successful Australian gold mining and exploration company, now owned by Barrick Gold Corporation.
Aurum operates globally from offices in Ireland and Canada. It undertakes and completes contracts in locations and environments ranging from the Arctic climates of Canada, Greenland and Sweden, through the deserts of Saudi Arabia, Mauritania and Sudan, and on to the tropics of Ghana, Nigeria and Thailand.
Avannaa Resources was founded in the UK in November 2006. Avannaa’s primary geographical focus is Greenland. Commodity targets include precious metals, rare earth elements, base metals and diamonds.   All of the executive directors are geologists. The board and advisors all have experience in Greenland and have...
Century is an exploration and development company of iron projects in Canada. The Company has significant interests in several properties in western Québec and in the prolific iron ore-producing region of the Labrador Trough in eastern Québec and western Newfoundland and Labrador.
Coro was founded with the goal of building a mining company focused on medium-sized base and precious metals deposits in Latin America. The Company intends to achieve this through the exploration for, and acquisition of, copper projects that can be developed and placed into production.