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Mining Companies
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OceanaGold Corporation is a significant multinational gold producer with a portfolio of operating, development and exploration assets.
Liberty Mines (T: LBE) is focused on the exploration, development and production of nickel and related base metals from its assets in Ontario, Canada. The Company trades on the TSX under the symbol LBE.
Orbite Aluminae Inc. is a Canadian cleantech company whose innovative technologies are setting the new standard for alumina production. 
Orestone Mining Corp. (TSX-V: ORS) is a junior mineral exploration company incorporated on April 30, 2007 and listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the trading symbol "ORS". 
Osisko Mining Corporation, a mid-tier gold producer based in Montreal, Quebec, is a mining company focused on acquiring, exploring, developing and mining gold properties. 
Owen Sound Ledgerock Ltd., often called Ledgerock, is a limestone extraction and stone cutting company. Established in 1958, Ledgerock is one of the most complete quarrying and fabricating companies in North America. The company currently operates four quarries in Southwestern Ontario which yield some of the world's most spectacular...
PC Gold holds 100% ownership of a rare asset: Pickle Crow, one of Canada’s best known past producing gold mines, located in north western Ontario in a belt of rocks well known for its rich gold deposits.  Since assuming ownership in 2008, the company has delivered an array of positive exploration outcomes from Pickle Crow, both...
The Pebble Partnership is a joint venture between Anglo American and Northern Dynasty Minerals to develop one of the world’s most significant copper deposits in Alaska, in the US.
Pershing Gold Corporation (Pershing Gold) is an emerging Nevada gold producer uniquely positioned to create shareholder value by fast-track reopening of the Relief Canyon Mine. 
Petaquilla Minerals is a gold producer that operates its wholly owned Molejon gold mine in Panama and owns exploration and development stage projects in Spain and Portugal.