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Mining Companies
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The Fort à la Corne area of Saskatchewan hosts one of the most extensive kimberlite fields in the world. Over 70 kimberlites exist in the Fort à la Corne forest and over 70 percent of these have been shown to contain diamonds.
Taseko's is the owner (75%) and operator of the Gibraltar copper-molybdenum mine, located in south-central British Columbia, the second largest open pit copper mine in Canada and the largest employer in the Cariboo region. 
Highland Valley Copper, located in south central British Columbia, Canada, produces copper and molybdenum concentrates. A new life of mine plan has recently been developed, which has extended the mine life to 2027. Teck has a 97.5% interest in the mine.
The Nevada Operations of Great Basin Gold comprise the Hollister Property (“Hollister”) located in the north eastern part of the Carlin Trend, approximately 80 km (50mi) from Elko, Nevada, and the Esmeralda Property (“Esmeralda”) located in the south-west, close to the border between Nevada and California and...
The Horizon Oil Sands include a surface oil sands mining and bitumen extraction plant, complimented by on-site bitumen upgrading with associated infrastructure to produce high quality SCO. 
Imerys Talc is the world's leading talc producer, employing 1,000 people on five continents and supplying 20 percent of global demand from 9 mines and 15 processing plants throughout Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Spain and the United State
The original Kerr-Sulphurets project was comprised of two contiguous claim blocks in the Iskut-Stikine region in British Columbia, approximately 20 kilometres southeast of the Eskay Creek Mine.
The sylvite (potash) deposits of Saskatchewan formed over 350 million years ago as a result of the final stage of evaporative concentration of sea water in a middle Devonian sea.
LaRonde is Agnico Eagle’s flagship mine, and it is located in the Abitibi region of northwestern Quebec. LaRonde has one of the largest gold reserves of any operating mine in Canada and has produced almost 4.3 million ounces of gold since it opened in 1988.
Legacy is a greenfield project for the setting up of a potash production on the basis of solution mining in the south of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. With Legacy K+S will be the only potash producer with large and own production facilities on two continents.