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Mining Companies
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McClean Lake is an open pit uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan. The property consists of two mineral leases covering an area of 980 ha and nine mineral claims covering an area of 3,148 ha. McClean Lake has the newest, most technologically advanced uranium mill in the world.
The 1,426 ha Midwest property consists of three contiguous mineral leases located approximately 750 km north of Saskatoon, Saskatachewan, Canada.
The Millennium mine site is located near Fort McMurray in northern Alberta, Canada.
MMG Limited is a global resources company which explores, develops and mines base metal deposits around the world. We are headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under Stock Code: 1208.
Murray River Coalfield is located in eastern side of the Rocky Mountains, 10 km Southwest of Tumbler Ridge, BC, Canada. It is a part of Low piedmont of Rocky Mountains. 
Ore is extracted from four zones: T-Antiform, PQ Deeps, Esker and Moose. Most of the T-Antiform reserves have been extracted, and mining in this zone is expected to reduce.
In August 2011, Nyrstar successfully completed its acquisition of Breakwater Resources, the owner of the Myra Falls mine in Canada. There have been over 100 years of mineral exploration activity in central Vancouver Island and over four decades of active mining at Myra Falls.
Liberty Mines (T: LBE) is focused on the exploration, development and production of nickel and related base metals from its assets in Ontario, Canada. The Company trades on the TSX under the symbol LBE.
Patience Lake potash mine is located near the city of Saskatoon in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. At Patience Lake potash is mined in situ by using a solution mining method where hot water is pumped through drillholes into the underground potash deposit and the resulting brine is then recovered through another set of drillholes and...
Porcupine Gold Mines is a subsidiary of Goldcorp Canada Ltd., situated in Timmins, Ontario. Porcupine consists of two distinct mining operations; Hoyle Pond Underground and Dome Underground. These assets, combined with our world-class mill serve to ensure a sustainable future for our employees, their families and our community.