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Mining Companies
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KGHM International Ltd. (formerly Quadra FNX Mining Ltd.) is a wholly owned subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Our story is one of rapid growth, from a junior mining company to a global industry player.
The Rabbit Lake operation, which opened in 1975, is the longest operating uranium production facility in North America, and the second largest uranium mill in the world
Red Dog Operations is an open-pit truck-and-loader operation, using conventional drill and blast mining methods. Our mineral processing facilities use conventional grinding and sulfide flotation methods to produce zinc and lead concentrates.
The 100% owned Renard Diamond Project, Stornoway’s flagship asset, is located near the Otish Mountains in north-central Quebec and is well on track to becoming Quebec’s first diamond mine. 
The Rocanville mine site is located 18 km east of the community of Rocanville in south-east Saskatchewan, Canada.
Water resources will be protected by avoiding impacts to the Davidson Canyon and Cienega Creek watershed, recycling production water within the plant and lining storage reservoirs to ensure that groundwater is not affected.
The San Gold mining complex is located 250 km northeast of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada adjacent to the town of Bissett. The mine is 100% owned by the San Gold Corporation.
On July 15, 2013 Copper Fox Metals Inc. (the 'Company' or 'Copper Fox') formed a joint venture with Teck Resources Limited ('Teck') to further explore and develop the Schaft Creek project located in northwestern British Columbia, Canada.
Remote and isolated, 220 miles northeast of Yellowknife, the location presented special planning and timing challenges. Before building the mine, we had to build an ice road that would make it accessible by land for six to eight weeks of winter, and the airstrip that provides access throughout the rest of the year.
PotashCorp owns and operates a potash mine in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada. Production at the Penobsquis mine started in 1986. The mine was acquired by PotashCorp in 1993.