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Mining Companies
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Windsor Salt offers a wide assortment of table and specialty salts and products for the home like water softening salts, pool salt and ice melter products.
Kapuskasing Gold Corp (TSX-V: KAP) is a Toronto Venture Exchange listed resource company engaged in the exploration of gold in the Borden Lake area in Northern Ontario.
We operate mines in Canada, the USA and Chile and are currently constructing the Sierra Gorda copper-molybdenum project in Chile. In Canada we are also actively progressing the Victoria project, our newest discovery in the Sudbury Basin and the Ajax project near Kamloops, British Columbia.
Copper and silver are indispensable natural resources for the development of global economy. During 60 years of company's activity, KGHM has extracted over a billion tonne of mining output and has produced 20 million tonnes of copper. Current deposits will suffice for the next 40-50 years of mining activities.
Kirkland Lake Gold is an operating and exploration gold Company in Kirkland Lake, Ontario which is located in the Lower Abitibi Greenstone belt. The Company owns five former mines that produced 22 million ounces of gold at an average grade of 15.1 grams per tonne.
Our goal is to create a strong and profitable gold and silver producer focused in the Americas.
Founded in 1986, Melkior Resources Inc. is a Canadian junior exploration company with a focus on acquiring and developing grassroots exploration projects in major mining camps in Ontario and Quebec.
Metals Creek Resources Corp. is a junior exploration company incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, is a reporting issuer in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario, and has its common shares listed for trading on the Exchange under the symbol “MEK”.
New Gold has a portfolio of two core producing assets and a development project located in Canada, a top-rated, politically secure, mining friendly jurisdiction.
North American Palladium's vision is to become a low cost, mid-tier precious metals company operating in mining friendly jurisdictions.