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Mining Companies
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Covia offers a broad array of high-quality mineral and material products and the industry’s most comprehensive and accessible distribution network.
Since 1888, De Beers has been involved in all aspects of the diamond business. From its mining operations across Africa, and most recently Canada, the company produces about 35 per cent of the world’s supply of rough diamonds.
Victor is one of 16 diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes in the immediate vicinity of the Victor Mine site and is currently producing some of the most remarkable rough diamonds in the world. All of the previously identified pipes in the cluster are within a 25km radius of the Victor site.
is a Canadian gold mining company with a highly experienced management and technical team. The Company’s primary focus is the successful ramp up of its flagship asset - the Detour Lake Mine, located in the mining-friendly territory of northeastern Ontario.
Evolution Mining is a leading, growth-focused Australian gold miner.
Ferromin’s high density aggregates answer the call when a design requires low-volume, high-weight concrete or loose ballast. Our high quality aggregates have been used successfully in Cancer Treatment Buildings, Medical Research Reactors, Nuclear Reactors and Spent Fuel Canister production. Ferromin’s FerroShield™ and...
FNI is a Canadian mining and exploration Company. The Company’s mission is to be the most dynamic North American emerging base metal mining Company in which to work and invest and to be respected in the communities in which it operates.
We are a major producer and marketer of over 90 commodities. Our diversified operations comprise over 150 mining and metallurgical sites, oil production assets and agricultural facilities.
Located in Timmins, Ontario, we operate the Kidd Concentrator and the Kidd Mine, the world’s deepest base-metal mine below sea level, mining at 9600 feet with shaft bottom at 9889 feet.
We produce and market more than 60 commodities, through approximately 150 assets and offices in over 35 countries.