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Mining Companies
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Barkerville Gold began work in the Cariboo Goldfields in 1994. After purchasing the QR Mine and Mill in central British Columbia in February, 2010, the Company became one of Canada's newest gold producers when mining at the QR mine led to gold doré production in September 2010. The Company expects to continue production in 2013...
Barrick is the gold industry leader. The company operates mines and advanced exploration and development projects on four continents, and holds large land positions on some of the most prolific and prospective mineral trends.
Belvedere Resources Limited is a Canadian incorporated mining company with a primary focus on gold, nickel, cobalt and copper in Finland. The company is developing a series of satellite gold deposits for processing at their Hitura mill complex, potentially allowing a low capex entry into gold production. 
Besra is a gold producer focussed on Southeast Asia. With a solid history in Vietnam, where the company has brought two gold mines into production, we are now moving ahead with the development of the Bau Gold Field in East Malaysia.
Kennecott Utah Copper is a fully integrated mining operation located just outside Salt Lake City, Utah, US. Kennecott is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto. For more than 110 years, Kennecott has been mining and processing minerals from the rich orebody of the Bingham Canyon Mine. In 1989, Rio Tinto acquired the Bingham Canyon Mine and...
Boliden is a metals company with focus on sustainable development. Our roots are Nordic, but our business is global. The company's core competence is within the fields of exploration, mining, smelting and metals recycling.
The Cantung Mine is located in the Nahanni area of western Northwest Territories, Canada, approximately 300 km by road northeast of Watson Lake, Yukon, close to the Yukon border.
Our Cardinal River Operations (CRO) include the Luscar and Cheviot mines, as defined by our regulatory permits. The Luscar mine dates back to 1969 when mining began at Cardinal River Coals Ltd. Today, the Luscar mine is home to our coal processing plant, a main shop, haul road, ongoing reclamation and administrative offices.
This huge open pit mine is Canada's largest iron ore mine, currently producing 17 million tonnes of iron ore concentrates per year. The majority of concentrate (13 million tonnes) is pelletized, while the rest is sold directly. 
New Gold owns 100% of the Cerro San Pedro Mine through the Mexican Company, Minera San Xavier (“MSX”). The Cerro San Pedro Mine has a history of ongoing legal challenges related primarily to a land use dispute, which challenges have been successfully overcome.