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Mining Companies
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With a mission to transform natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development, Vale is a global mining company with headquarters in Brazil. We are leaders in the production of iron ore and the second largest producer of nickel.​ Vale plays a large role in your everyday life and in the world around you. We are proud to teach you...
Wesdome has been mining gold in Canada for 25 years. Its philosophy has been to build up longterm, sustainable operations with modest initial capital costs.
The Wesdome Group has been producing gold since 1987. Since 1987 it has put five gold mines into production and assembled strategic property and mining infrastructure in Val d’Or, Quebec and Wawa, Ontario.
Syncrude is one of the largest producers of crude oil from Canada's oil sands. We operate a large oil sand mine, utilities plant, bitumen extraction plant and upgrading facility that processes bitumen and produces value-added light, sweet crude oil for domestic consumption and export. We call our product Syncrude Crude Oil