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Mining Companies
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The Pebble Partnership is a joint venture between Anglo American and Northern Dynasty Minerals to develop one of the world’s most significant copper deposits in Alaska, in the US.
Petaquilla Minerals is a gold producer that operates its wholly owned Molejon gold mine in Panama and owns exploration and development stage projects in Spain and Portugal.
Polymetal is a leading gold and silver mining group, operating in Russia and Kazakhstan. Company’s shares are listed on London and Moscow Stock Exchanges. Polymetal is a constituent of FTSE 250, FTSE Gold mines, STOXX 600 indexes.
Red Tiger Mining is a copper and near-term gold producer with focus on maximizing profitability and pursuing growth through a combination of exploration and mergers and acquisition activities.
Our 20+ year track record of bringing early-stage gold exploration projects to their full developmental potential and, once in operation, cost-effectively managing underground narrow vein gold mines, has earned us a reputation as a reliable and well-managed gold mine operator.
Rio Tinto is a leading global mining and metals company. Our focus is on finding, mining and processing the Earth's mineral resources in order to maximise value for our shareholders.
Kinross acquired its 50% ownership interest in the Round Mountain gold mine and became the operator on January 31, 2003, upon completion of the merger with Echo Bay
The Ruby Hill mine is located on the Battle Mountain/Eureka gold trend, less than one kilometer from the town of Eureka and 193 kilometers south of the Goldstrike Property.
Established in 2004, Silver Wheaton has quickly positioned itself as the largest precious metal streaming company in the world. The company has a number of agreements where, in exchange for an upfront payment, it has the right to purchase all or a portion of the silver and/or gold production, at a low fixed cost, from high-quality mines...
SilverCrest Mines Inc. (TSX‐V: SVL; NYSE MKT: SVLC) is a Canadian precious metals producer headquartered in Vancouver, BC. SilverCrest’s flagship property is the 100%‐owned Santa Elena Mine, located 150 km northeast of Hermosillo, near Banamichi in the State of Sonora, México. The mine is a high‐grade, epithermal silver and gold...