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Mining Companies
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Sleeping Giant is an underground gold mine and mill located in the Abitibi region of northeastern Quebec, near the town of Amos. The mine was discovered in 1976 and mining began in 1988. It was shut down in 1991 and reopened in 1993.  The Mine is a typical "narrow vein" gold mine as it commonly found in the region.
Solitario Exploration & Royalty (NYSE Amex: XPL; TSX: SLR) is on track to become one of the newest U.S. gold producers. The Mt. Hamilton gold project in eastern Nevada is a development-stage project with operating cash costs of $575/oz. and an 8-year mine life averaging 54,000 ounces per year. Capital costs to place the project into...
As a growth-oriented mining company, Starcore is focused on continued mineral production and development at our San Martin Mine, while aiming to identify, acquire, and develop additional high-quality gold and silver properties. Starcore intends to remain a leader in the Mexican mining industry by combining an unwavering commitment to social...
Transition Metals is a multi-commodity mineral exploration company that focuses on the discovery of ore deposits in Canada using the project-generator business model. The company has 30 highly prospective early stage properties encompassing roughly 2,000 km2 in Canada.
Yukon Zinc's Wolverine Mine is a high grade zinc-silver-copper-lead-gold underground mine, with on-site milling capabilities of 1,700 tonnes per day to produce zinc, copper and lead concentrates. The current mine life is ~9.5 years based on a 5.2 Mt deposit and there is potential to expand the reserve through drilling.
Amerigo's wholly owned subsidiary, Minera Valle Central (MVC), produces copper and molybdenum concentrates from tailings from the world's largest underground copper mine, Codelco's El Teniente mine, a copper producer for the past 100 years with remaining ore reserves lasting many more decades. 
Climax Molybdenum Co., a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., is the world's leading molybdenum producer and supplier. Founded in 1916, our global operations include both primary and byproduct molybdenum mines.
Cortez is one of the world’s largest and lowest cost gold mines, and the property also has excellent upside exploration potential.
Donlin Gold has been named the 2013 National Employer of the Year by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA). This award recognizes a business that demonstrates outstanding accomplishments that result in a positive impact on its workforce, industry and community.
Formation Metals Inc. is a well-established Canadian mineral exploration and mine development company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol FCO, the OTC-QX trading platform under the symbol FMETF and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol FOQ. Through its wholly owned subsidiaries it has interests in base and precious...