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Mining Companies
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The Fort à la Corne area of Saskatchewan hosts one of the most extensive kimberlite fields in the world. Over 70 kimberlites exist in the Fort à la Corne forest and over 70 percent of these have been shown to contain diamonds.
Kinross acquired a 100% interest in the Fort Knox open pit mine in Alaska in 1998. The mine is located within the Fairbanks mining district, a northeast trending belt of lode and placer gold deposits that comprise one of the largest gold producing areas in the state of Alaska.
Galore Creek is jointly and equally owned by NOVAGOLD and Teck Resources, one of the largest diversified mining companies in the world. Galore Creek, when put in production as envisioned in the Pre-Feasibility Study results released on July 27, 2011, is expected to be the largest copper mine in Canada, one of the best mining jurisdictions in...
As a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., Henderson is the largest primary producer of molybdenum in the world.
Jaguar Mining Inc. is a gold producer in Brazil with operations in a prolific greenstone belt in the state of Minas Gerais. Jaguar owns or controls mineral resources in a land base of approximately 210,000 hectares in Brazil, including the Gurupi Project in the northern state of Maranhão. This vast resource base represents significant...
The La Colorada Mine is located in the Chalchihuites district in Zacatecas State, Mexico, approximately 156 kilometres northwest of the city of Zacatecas and 99 kilometres south of the city of Durango. The La Colorada mine is comprised of three separate underground silver mines covering an area of approximately 2,864 hectares.
Located 125km Northwest from the nearest large town of Caborca in the State of Sonora, with a population of 81,000 (2010 census). Workers from area villages are provided daily transportation to the mine site.
LaRonde is Agnico Eagle’s flagship mine, and it is located in the Abitibi region of northwestern Quebec. LaRonde has one of the largest gold reserves of any operating mine in Canada and has produced almost 4.3 million ounces of gold since it opened in 1988.
Northern Sun Mining Corp. is a public company which trades on the TSX stock exchange under the symbol NSC (TSX:NSC). Northern Sun (formerly Liberty Mines Ltd.) has historically focused on the exploration, development and production of nickel and related base metals from its assets in the Shaw Dome, a prospective nickel belt near Timmins,...
The Mt. Milligan copper-gold project, located 155 km northwest of Prince George, and mid-way between the communities of Fort St. James and Mackenzie in central British Columbia, Canada.  The project received an Environmental Assessment (EA) Certificate in March 2009 and a Mines Act Permit from the province of British Columbia in...