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Mining Companies
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SQM, a worldwide company based in Chile and founded in 1968, has today a strong global presence in a wide variety of industries and applications through its five business lines: Specialty Plant Nutrition, Iodine and derivatives, Lithium and derivatives, Industrial Chemicals and Potassium.
As a growth-oriented mining company, Starcore is focused on continued mineral production and development at our San Martin Mine, while aiming to identify, acquire, and develop additional high-quality gold and silver properties. Starcore intends to remain a leader in the Mexican mining industry by combining an unwavering commitment to social...
Feasibility and baseline studies for the Stillwater Mine were undertaken after the palladium-rich J-M Reef within the Stillwater Complex was identified in the 1970s. 
PotashCorp owns and operates a potash mine in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada. Production at the Penobsquis mine started in 1986. The mine was acquired by PotashCorp in 1993.
Syncrude is one of the largest producers of crude oil from Canada's oil sands. We operate a large oil sand mine, utilities plant, bitumen extraction plant and upgrading facility that processes bitumen and produces value-added light, sweet crude oil for domestic consumption and export. We call our product Syncrude Crude Oil
Tau Ken Samruk is the holding company for the Kazakh government’s stakes in some of the country’s largest metals and mining companies.
Transition Metals is a multi-commodity mineral exploration company that focuses on the discovery of ore deposits in Canada using the project-generator business model. The company has 30 highly prospective early stage properties encompassing roughly 2,000 km2 in Canada.
Tri-Star Resources Plc is an independent mining company which is quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock . Ticker: TSTR:LN. Our strategy is to be the western world’s leading integrated miner, producer and marketer of antimony metal and antimony tri-oxide products.
We are the second largest primary silver producer in the United States. With a current expected annual rate of silver production of 2.2-2.4 million ounces.   Our growth will be driven by taking advantage of operational efficiencies, near-term development of key assets and disciplined execution of our acquisition strategy.
Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE MKT: UEC) is a U.S.-based uranium mining and exploration company.   The Company’s operations are managed by professionals with a recognized profile for excellence in their industry, a profile based on many decades of hands-on experience in the key facets of uranium exploration, development and...