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Mining Companies
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Omya is a leading global producer of industrial minerals – mainly fillers and pigments derived from calcium carbonate and dolomite – and a worldwide distributor of specialty chemicals.
Pan American Silver is the world’s premier silver mining company, with large silver reserves and a diversified portfolio of producing mines.
Pelangio Exploration is a junior gold exploration company that acquires and explores camp-sized land packages in world-class gold belts, while using innovative corporate restructuring to maximize shareholder value.
Richmont Mines is a Quebec-based gold company with over 20 years of experience in exploration, mine development and production.
St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. ("SAS" or the "Company") is a Canadian based gold mining and exploration Company with an extensive land package in the Timmins mining district, northeastern Ontario, Canada, which lies within the world famous Abitibi greenstone belt.
With a mission to transform natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development, Vale is a global mining company with headquarters in Brazil. We are leaders in the production of iron ore and the second largest producer of nickel.​
With a mission to transform natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development, Vale is a global mining company with headquarters in Brazil. We are leaders in the production of iron ore and the second largest producer of nickel.​ Vale plays a large role in your everyday life and in the world around you. We are proud to teach you...
The Wesdome Group has been producing gold since 1987. Since 1987 it has put five gold mines into production and assembled strategic property and mining infrastructure in Val d’Or, Quebec and Wawa, Ontario.
Hecla Mining Company’s rich history of mining has distinguished it as a respected precious metals producer. Hecla is not only the largest and one of the lowest-cost U.S. silver producers, but also a growing low-cost gold producer. It is the oldest precious metals mining company in North America.    
Upper Canada Stone Company Ltd. and Upper Canada Minerals Inc., are sister companies in business of the production, marketing and distribution of Architectural Aggregates, Specialty Sands, Landscape Stone, Building Stone and Armourstone to customers throughout North America.