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Mining Companies
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Metals Creek Resources Corp. is a junior exploration company incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, is a reporting issuer in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario, and has its common shares listed for trading on the Exchange under the symbol “MEK”.
New Gold has a portfolio of two core producing assets and a development project located in Canada, a top-rated, politically secure, mining friendly jurisdiction.
North American Palladium's vision is to become a low cost, mid-tier precious metals company operating in mining friendly jurisdictions.
Omya is a leading global producer of industrial minerals – mainly fillers and pigments derived from calcium carbonate and dolomite – and a worldwide distributor of specialty chemicals.
Pan American Silver is the world’s premier silver mining company, with large silver reserves and a diversified portfolio of producing mines.
Pelangio Exploration is a junior gold exploration company that acquires and explores camp-sized land packages in world-class gold belts, while using innovative corporate restructuring to maximize shareholder value.
Primero Mining Corp. is a Canadian-based gold and silver producer with operations in Mexico and intentions to become a leading intermediate gold producer in the Americas.
Richmont Mines is a Quebec-based gold company with over 20 years of experience in exploration, mine development and production.
St Andrew Goldfields Ltd. ("SAS" or the "Company") is a Canadian based gold mining and exploration Company with an extensive land package in the Timmins mining district, northeastern Ontario, Canada, which lies within the world famous Abitibi greenstone belt.
With a mission to transform natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development, Vale is a global mining company with headquarters in Brazil. We are leaders in the production of iron ore and the second largest producer of nickel.​