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Mining Companies
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MMG Limited is a global resources company which explores, develops and mines base metal deposits around the world. We are headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under Stock Code: 1208.
Before its mine-gate sale in June 2013, Moly Mines mined four areas of iron-ore mineralisation at the Spinifex Ridge iron-ore mine. They are known as Auton, Auton North East, Dalek and Gallifrey (Iron Ore Project), and are located 500m to the east of the Spinifex Ridge molybdenum-copper resource. Production began in late 2010 with an...
Monument Mining Limited ("Monument") is an established Canadian low cost gold producer that owns and operates the Selinsing Gold Mine, and has a portfolio of gold and other metals properties including the Mengapur Polymetallic Project in Malaysia.
The Morenci operation includes a 50,000 mtd concentrator that produces copper and molybdenum concentrates; a 68,000 mtd crushed-ore leach pad and stacking system; a low-grade run-of-mine leaching system; four solution extract (SX) plants;
The Mt. Milligan copper-gold project, located 155 km northwest of Prince George, and mid-way between the communities of Fort St. James and Mackenzie in central British Columbia, Canada.  The project received an Environmental Assessment (EA) Certificate in March 2009 and a Mines Act Permit from the province of British Columbia in...
The New Afton copper-gold mine is located approximately 350 kilometres northeast of Vancouver in the south-central interior of British Columbia. The property is only 10 kilometres from the regional hub of Kamloops and is easily accessible by paved road.
New Gold is an intermediate gold mining company. The company has a portfolio of four producing assets and three significant development projects. The New Afton Mine in Canada, the Cerro San Pedro Mine in Mexico, the Mesquite Mine in the United States and the Peak Mines in Australia provide the company with its current production base and...
Newmont Mining Corporation is primarily a gold producer, with significant assets or operations in the United States, Australia, Peru, Indonesia, Ghana, New Zealand and Mexico.
Nordgold is an emerging market pure-play gold producer with a business that spans from South America to Siberia. Guided by a strategy focused on finding, developing, and streamlining assets, we have a proven track record of creating value for shareholders.
North American Palladium (NAP) is an established PGM producer that has been operating its flagship Lac des Iles (LDI) mine in northern Ontario, Canada since 1993.  The Company’s vision is to become a low cost mid-tier precious metals producer with over 250,000 ounces in annual production.