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Mining Companies
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The Pogo Gold Mine, where gold production was launched in Alaska, is our company's first overseas mine where we are taking the initiative. We were fully committed to the environment from the design stage and engaged the local residents in discussions which culminated in our receiving development permits.
Polymetal is a leading gold and silver mining group, operating in Russia and Kazakhstan. Company’s shares are listed on London and Moscow Stock Exchanges. Polymetal is a constituent of FTSE 250, FTSE Gold mines, STOXX 600 indexes.
Porcupine Gold Mines is a subsidiary of Goldcorp Canada Ltd., situated in Timmins, Ontario. Porcupine consists of two distinct mining operations; Hoyle Pond Underground and Dome Underground. These assets, combined with our world-class mill serve to ensure a sustainable future for our employees, their families and our community.
Potash West (ASX:PWN) is an exploration company focused on developing extensive greensand deposits in Western Australia’s Perth Basin. The Company aims to define a substantial resource base and investigate how best to recover potash, phosphate and other minerals from the greensand. 
KGHM International Ltd. (formerly Quadra FNX Mining Ltd.) is a wholly owned subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Our story is one of rapid growth, from a junior mining company to a global industry player.
Randsburg International Gold Corp is an exploration stage company, which is mainly engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral property interests in Canada and South America.
Red Tiger Mining is a copper and near-term gold producer with focus on maximizing profitability and pursuing growth through a combination of exploration and mergers and acquisition activities.
Our 20+ year track record of bringing early-stage gold exploration projects to their full developmental potential and, once in operation, cost-effectively managing underground narrow vein gold mines, has earned us a reputation as a reliable and well-managed gold mine operator.
Rio Tinto is a leading global mining and metals company. Our focus is on finding, mining and processing the Earth's mineral resources in order to maximise value for our shareholders.
Rockex Mining Corporation is a public company focused on the development of its 100%-owned Lake St. Joseph IRON ORE deposit in northwestern Ontario. The Lake St. Joseph property is located approximately 100km northeast of Sioux Lookout and 80km southwest of Pickle Lake.